Introductory Creative Writing Workshop with Dr Tina Giannoukos
Writing the Personal: Telling Our Own Stories

Introductory Creative Writing Workshop with Dr Tina Giannoukos
Writing the Personal: Telling Our Own Stories
Stories are everywhere.
How different is our own story to that of others?
Our challenge is to identify our own story and to tell it with confidence. How much to explain to readers and how much to leave to their imagination? Telling our own story can challenge dominant narratives about who we are. In this six-week introductory writing workshop, you will develop the power to tell your own story, whether in prose or poetry, through a variety of writing exercises and examples.
Dr Tina Giannoukos is the author of two collections of poetry. Her second collection, Bull Days, was shortlisted in the 2017 Victorian Premiers Literary Awards and longlisted for the 2017 ALS Gold Medal. She has a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Melbourne. She is a presenter on the Spoken Word program on 3CR Community Radio.
Photo credit: Costas Athanassiou
Enrol now, registrations are limited.
Every Tuesday 7th May until 11th June 2024 (6 weeks)
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Greek Centre | Level 12
168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000
COST: $150
The Greek Centre, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne