The Crucible

Arthur Miller’s timeless examination of suspicion, revenge and mass-hysteria – cloaked in the infamous Salem witch trials – is proudly brought to life by Point Break Drama Theatre Company. A story arguably more relevant today than ever before, Miller’s portrait of deeply-paranoid village life will amaze with both its language and vivid characters.Directed by Blair Cutting & Paul Winchester.
Lighting by Michael Arnott
Costume by Marisa Newnes
6 Shows only.
Cast: Paul Winchester, Melissa Jones, Steve Allnutt, Theo Rule, Oliver Harcourt, Amelie Stone, Catherine Gilbert, Penny day, Max Dÿkstra, Branko Dÿkstra, Michael Richmond, Josephine Waller, Aska karem, Isabella Coffey, Katherine Taylor, Thea Ward, Sam Jeffries, Owen Frost, Blair Cutting.
Star of the Sea Theatre
Stella Maris College,, Cnr Collingwood a & Iluka Avenue., Manly NSW 2095