Zoolander (M)

Like Cinemallunga, this movie has it all...Fashion, suspense, cheese, voguing, great dance moves, David Bowie and outlandish costumes! What more could you want? Derek Zoolander, four times winner 'Male Model of the Year' aspires to gain a fifth crown with his mesmerising pose, 'Blue Steel.' However he is usurped by his rival, Hansel, and falls into a slow decline. An assassination plot is hatched and things look grim. Will the plot succeed? Will Zoolander still look fabulous as an international assassin? Which audience member will win 'Best Recycled Fashion' on the Cinemallunga catwalk? All this and more will be revealed on Saturday April 13th. So little time...so many people to be...
Willunga Show Hall
Main Rd, Willunga SA 5172
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