Melbourne Catholic Lawyers' Association Breakfast

After a prolonged break, we're excited to announce the return of our breakfast gatherings, with an issue of significant importance.Since the 1980s, 30,000 South Sudanese people have migrated to Australia, with the largest number settling in Melbourne. Unfortunately, South Sudanese are now over represented in the criminal justice system, and tend to have worse outcomes. The shame of young offenders, and the distress of family and friends, is often exacerbated by hostile media coverage.
Deacon George Piech Meat is himself a South Sudanese refugee and has been working with the community for many years, especially in prison ministry. Come and hear him speak about the causes of the current situation and the steps being taken to help those involved.
Essoign Club
Owen Dixon Chambers East, 1/205 William Street, Melbourne VIctoria 3000