Art and Journaling at Green's Hill
Art journaling is a form of art which entails making notes on loose paper or in a bound journal, often including drawings, mark-making, painting, and collage. The focus is more on understanding the process of creation and providing an opportunity for self-expression rather than achieving a specific end result. It’s interesting and fun!In this event, people interested in journaling will meet and explore the site of an old homestead at Green’s Hill (Winton Wetlands) and observe the changes, both human-induced and natural, that can be observed at this landmark site.
All welcome, including beginners. Instruction given to beginners. Artists Jana Brook and Valerie Crosse will be on hand throughout. BYO sketching and journaling gear. (Basic journaling materials can be purchased from Carlisle Art in Benalla if needed.)
Bring something to sit on. Sunscreen and insect spray. Suitable clothes including sun/rain protection if needed.
Greens Hill (at Winton Wetlands)
Nesting Ground Track, Winton North Victoria 3673