Build/maintain team culture in a flexible work environment.
In this workshop we will explore: How do you build/maintain team culture in a flexible work environment?
Moderated by Life Member and DEI expert Jill Sears, we will be looking at the practical actions that can be taken in a workplace to support a team culture while still allowing the flexibility that many have come to appreciate in recent years.
Dr Denise Goodwin is the Co-Director of Health and Social Programs at BehaviourWorks Australia, Monash University. She is a behavioural scientist with extensive experience in conducting research to understand individual and community level changes in attitudes, social norms, priority issues and behaviours.
Her work is underpinned by the BehaviourWorks method, which is centred on the need to understand drivers and barriers of behaviour in order to make informed, evidence-based assessments of which behaviour change tools have a greater likelihood of success, for whom, and in what circumstances. As such, Denise has worked with industry experts in a wide-range of areas applying behavioural insights to projects to increase their likelihood of being adopted in practice. Her current behavioural research spans a wide range of policy areas, including social inclusion, preventative health, education, and organisational change.
Bree Gorman is a Diversity and Inclusion consultant and educator working with organisations to create sustainable, meaningful change. Bree's expertise is in tackling systemic barriers to inclusion. They have worked with Universities, Government Departments and corporates. They have lived experience as a genderqueer bisexual, are neurodiverse and a parent to two children
Carol Ransley is the Director or Human Rights Education Associates. She worked for two decades with Australia’s largest statutory authority for equality and human rights, leading design and delivery of education and engagement projects to achieve equality and establish good human rights practice.
As one of Victoria’s leading experts in the field, she knows equality law inside out and understands best practice approaches. She has decades of experience working with these tools to leverage meaningful and lasting changes in workplace practices, policies, and professional and community programs. She has numerous years’ experience working with dispersed, remote and hybrid teams across the world.
Carol holds postgraduate qualifications in international law (human rights) and undergraduate qualifications in legal studies and sociology. She is a qualified workplace trainer and assessor and a certified environmental impact assessment practitioner. She holds memberships with the Australian Evaluation Society and the International Network on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
RMIT Kaleide Theatre and Online via MS Teams
Building 8, 360 Swanston Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000