Is there a better way? Exploring Restorative Practices

An investigative and punitive approach to responding to conflicts and complaints is commonly used in the churches as a default strategy. This frequently results in outcomes which few are happy with (including people who complain), trauma for complainants, flow-on conflict in communities, and almost no communal healing, reconciliation or redemption.Restorative Practice provides a well-established alternative approach for dealing with conflict and harm. Restorative Practices are based on principles of accountability, collaboration, truth-speaking, learning and healing. Carefully structured and facilitated conferences enable everyone affected by acts of harm, or multi-participant conflicts, to explore what has happened, who has been affected, what people need, and how relations can be set right. Research has demonstrated very high participant satisfaction with both process and outcomes.
We will use this workshop to explore how Restorative Practise could be used more effectively.
St Francis College
233 Milton Road, Milton Qld 4064