** SOLD OUT ** 2024 MCRI Neonatal Advanced Ventilation Workshop

Following the success of the previous HFOV workshops, we are delighted to expand our approach of developing skills and knowledge that empower the clinician to tailor ventilation to a baby needing invasive respiratory support.
Fundamental concepts, evidence and new developments will be presented using an interactive program of lectures, skills-based workshops and case discussions facilitated by world-leaders in the respiratory care of neonates.
Program highlights include:
- Practical respiratory physiology for the clinician
- Optimising conventional and high-frequency ventilation; which, when and in whom
- Lung recruitment
- Closed loop oxygen therapy
- Lung imaging
- Management of challenging conditions such as BPD, gas trapping and pulmonary hypoplasia
Registration* closes 15th August 2024.
* Registration fee does not include 2.5% Trybooking per ticket surcharge
NEW FOR 2024!
Saturday 31 August: Half-day symposium focusing on the management of BPD facilitated by international experts.
Participants can attend either the 2-day Advanced Ventilation Workshop, BPD Symposium OR both.
HELP Precinct - Royal Children's Hospital
50 Flemington Road, Parkville VIC 3052