Dimboola Take a Well-being Break Workshop

Looking after your well-being and connecting with others is important in challenging times. And we all know that laughter is the best medicine! This fun, practical workshop brings farmers, farming families/couples in your community together to provide well-being tools & information, connect & share ideas, & to identify strategies you can immediately implement to positively impact your well-being.Tickets are $10 with all proceeds being donated to the Rural Outreach Centre.
A light supper will be provided. Please advise us of any special dietary requirements. This is an alcohol-free event.
The workshop is funded by the Farm Business Resilience Program, which is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund & the Victorian Government’s Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund. It's supported by Wimmera Women Connect, Birchip Cropping Group, Hindmarsh Shire, Wimmera Southern Mallee Development, Grampians Health & Victorian Farmers Markets Association.
Dimboola Bowling Club
51 Lloyd St, Dimboola VIC 3414