SQ Farm Business Forum - Kingaroy

Join us for an information-packed session filled with information for success in the upcoming season! Hear from leading industry experts as they delve into critical topics tailored to equip you with actionable strategies:* Master the Market: Successfully Marketing Your Grain 2024 - Presented by Nick Crundell of Market Check. Gain insights to navigate the grain market this season and maximize your profits.
* Reinvent Your Coverage: Think Differently About Farm Insurance - Presented by Fiona Jago of Resilient Ready. Explore innovative approaches to farm insurance, ensuring your operation is protected against unforeseen circumstances.
* Off-Farm Investments for Financial Resilience - Presented by Henry Holcombe of Sprout Agribusiness. Discover strategies to diversify your portfolio and bolster your farm's financial security.
Taabinga Rooms DAF Kingaroy
214 Kingaroy Cooyar Rd, Taabinga QLD 4610