Ethics in Turbulent Times

An international series to stimulate, inform and upskill. A mix of lectures, contributions by leading experts, Q&A, debates, conversation in small groups, role play and other exercises.Conducted by Professor Joseph Camilleri.
The six-week series is designed to:
• Make sense of a polarised world, in which many feel isolated, vulnerable, uncertain about the future
• Grapple with difficult questions: In a post-truth world, do we still have ethical standards? We speak loosely of integrity and accountability, but what exactly do we mean? Do our governments, professions, businesses, schools, universities, churches or sporting codes behave ethically? What, if they don’t?
• Explore how ethics can help us deal with climate change, cruelty to animals, discrimination, hunger, war, or any of the unresolved crises of our turbulent age.
University College, University of Melbourne
41 College Crescent, Parkville Victoria 3052