Richard Lindesay
Social media viral sensation and Britain’s Got Talent star Richard Lindesay iscoming to Newcastle for one night only, Saturday 21st September 2024!
Join Sydney comedian Richard for this hilarious 1-hour show including:
- A fun and uplifting all ages musical comedy concert
- All Richard’s songs that you know, and some you don’t!
- And most of all, lots and lots of flutes and recorders
Richard is the creator of the viral hit song Recorder in the Corner, and several more
poplar songs. His catchy and wholesome videos and songs are popular with kids,
teens, and adults alike! Richard’s Britain’s got Talent performance received an
uproarious audience response, and videos of his performance reached the highest
ever viewed on Britain’s Got Talent’s social media just days after going to air.
Saturday 21 September 2024 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM (UTC+10)Location
ROYAL EXCHANGE, Salon Theatre, 34 Bolton St Newcastle
34 Bolton St, Newcastle NSW 2300