2024 Battle of the ROCK Bands - Allocated Seating

Doors Open: 6.00pmShow starts: 6.30pm - 10.30pm
Catering: Food vans will be onsite prior to the doors opening at 6pm
Audience Filming: Attendees are to be advised that the event is to be recorded, and that by purchasing a ticket you consent to being recorded as members of the audience. By entering and attending this event, you agree to being filmed or photographed which may be used for marketing, promotional, or broadcasting purposes.
Those who buy a Seated Ticket will have that seat allocated to them for the night purchased. They may leave their seat and join the crowd in the General Admission Standing area if they choose.
Mary MacKillop Learning Centre (Hall)
Clairvaux MacKillop College, Klumpp Road, Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122