Self-Disclosure, Dual Relationships, & Boundaries in Therapy - Avoiding Pitfalls
Self-disclosure in therapy is a nuanced and complex practice. It involves practitioners sharing selected personal information with clients, which can enhance therapeutic rapport and trust, whilst also risking boundary issues and ethical dilemmas. The effectiveness of self-disclosure depends on the therapist’s intent and the client’s needs. Balancing these factors is crucial for maintaining an effective therapeutic relationship.
Dual relationships in therapy, are similarly fraught. They can blur professional boundaries, potentially leading to conflicts of interest and ethical dilemmas. Managing these relationships requires careful consideration to maintain objectivity and protect the working alliance.
Boundary violations constitute a breach of professional standards and an abuse of power, potentially threatening client wellbeing. Even experienced therapists can unwittingly violate boundaries. Certain combinations of personalities, situations, client issues, and therapeutic techniques can increase the risk of such boundary transgressions.
This 150-minute webinar is intended for both new, mid-career, and even experienced practitioners. We will explore these three crucial topics, including risk factors, warning signs, and mitigating steps. We will also examine practical boundary-maintenance methods, preventative strategies, plus awareness and assessment tools.
Learning Outcomes:
Identify self-disclosure best-practice in therapy.
Understand the complexities and ethical considerations involved in dual relationships in therapy.
Recognize situations, client issues, and therapist considerations that potentially contain a boundary transgression risk.
Identify the gradual steps that can lead to a boundary violation.
Discover risk-mitigating and management steps on these three key topics.
Venue: Live Webinar. (Includes access to video recording for 30 days).
Date: Wednesday, 18th September, 2024
Time: 6.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. (Sydney/Melbourne Time)
Cost: 39.99
CPD Certificate: 2.5 Hours.
About Kris Rao
Kris is a psychotherapist & a psychoanalyst primarily providing long term therapy for complex trauma disorders. He is also a clinical supervisor for the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy (ANZAP) training program. He has a Master of Science in Medicine (Psychotherapy) and a Doctorate in Psychoanalysis. Kris teaches ethics & psychodynamic psychotherapy as adjunct faculty at universities and higher education institutions across Australia and New Zealand.
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