Written by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman
Directed by Craig Lenaine-Smith
Keen to boost his flagging career, fading Hollywod action hero Jefferson Steele arrives in England to play King Lear at Stratford, only to find that this is not the birthplace of the Bard, but a sleepy Suffolk village. Instead of Kenneth Branagh and Dame Judi Dench, the cast is comprised of a bunch of amateurs trying to save their theatre from developers. Jefferson's montrous ego, vanity and insecurity and tested to the limit by the enthusiastic am-dram thespians. As acting worlds collide and Jefferson's career implodes, he discovers some truths about himself and his inner Lear.
Mountview Theatre
56 Smith Street
Macedon, Victoria 3440
Book online but if you have any ticket queries, please contact Vicki via email: stagestruck58@me.com
TMP offers complimentary seats to Carers with a valid Carer Card attending with a paying patron. If you require a Carer Card ticket, please contact Vicki.
The Mount Players offers a complimentary sherry, program and tea/coffee at interval. The bar will be open to purchase drinks before and after the show and during interval.