Pelvis: Power, Pleasure, Poise (SOLD OUT)

1/2 Day public workshop with Feldenkrais Practitioner Ralph HaddenAwaken and release the pelvis, pelvic floor, hips and buttocks. Recover the natural coordination of the pelvis and pelvic floor with the whole body. Create smooth, flowing undulations to bring power, ease and pleasure to life, creativity, work and play.
· Clarify and tone your pelvic floor.
· Coordinate your core with the pelvis, low back and legs.
· Release unconscious habits of tension and restriction.
· Create flowing ease in your hip joints.
· Learn techniques and principles for ongoing self-maintenance, injury prevention and injury recovery.
Suitable for adults of all ages, all levels of fitness/unfitness; beginners and continuing students.
Ralph is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and author of Your 14 Day Pelvis Program. Ralph is based in Melbourne and has taught nationally and internationally since 1988.
Image by Duvet Days
Centre for Adult Education Melbourne
253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000