Flickerfest - Maules Creek

Get ready for an unforgettable night at Maules Creek Hall, featuring the Best of Australian and International Shorts!
Highlights include: First Drop, Ted’s (Chris Haywood) defences are broken down as he realises a mutual love of cricket, thus begins a blossoming of an unlikely friendship; the laugh out loud with Ashes featuring Michael Caton and Michala Banas. Plus, don’t miss the clever comedy with UK short Linda by comedian Joe Lycett, a hilarious tale of a woman with an unbelievable life; and The Bank Manager, a true story of a 1932 bank heist in Cloncurry starring Gyton Grantly.
Each ticket includes admission and a hot meal.
Refreshments sold separately.
Adult $20.00
Child $15.00
Maules Creek Community Hall
2249 Harparary Road, Maules Creek NSW 2382