ESIA Seminar: NSW ESS+PDRS Insights

Join us in-person with key stakeholders for this professional development opportunities-and-issues-packed ESIA seminar. We will unpack major developments for the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) and Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS).LOCATION
State Library of NSW, Sydney
1 Shakespeare Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Enter on foot from Macquarie Street into the Mitchell Building and head down a level to the Library Auditorium via the lift or stairs. The Library is a short walk from the top of Martin Place. By train direct from the airport, get off at St James railway station.
Booking - Principal Partner and Sponsors
Please note, if you are a Principal Partner, Event Sponsor or other special offer recipient, the ESIA will provide you with a PROMO CODE. Please email if you need help to register or your code.
When booking, please indicate if you (each person booked) will attend both the Seminar from 9am-4pm and the Networking Drinks and Canapes 4pm-6pm, both sessions are included in the ticket price, indicating yes to both will assist us with catering for the networking drinks and canapes. Any queries, please email