MYO Spring Foliars: Bioferments & Biofertilisers

This hands-on 1/2 day workshop presented by Mark Tupman from Productive Ecology, will discuss different types of bio fertilisers, including inoculants, compost/vermicast extracts, and bioferments. Mark will also take you through some methods of application – seed/planting treatments, foliar sprays, soil drenches.We’ll also check out the efficacy of some bio ferts by digging up some roots from a demo plot sown in autumn, to see if the strips that had biofert treatments are showing anything different… AND you will have the chance to get hands on making up key trace nutrient bioferments, and tank mixes for applying key macro & micro nutrients for a spring foliar program.
Blackwood Springs Farm
1220 Warner Glen Rd, Warner Glen WA 6288