Cattle, carbon and sustainability

Join us in BOWEN or CHARTERS TOWERS to discuss carbon opportunities for your grazing business.This workshop will help graziers make informed decisions about carbon sequestration and emissions reduction strategies. Topics covered will include:
• carbon sources and sinks
• emission baselining ― how to calculate your farm footprint
• reducing emissions on farm
• carbon projects and the associated legalities
• market signals ― is the market ready for carbon-reduced products?
Hear from experienced presenters and facilitators:
Josh Peart (DAF Grazing Scientist), Lara Landsberg (Beef Extension Officer, Mackay) and Bec Clapperton (Beef Extension Officer, Townsville).
This event is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Queensland Government’s Drought and Climate Adaptation and Reef Water Quality Programs.
DAF Office (Bowen or Charters Towers)