ADFAS Brisbane Extra Lecture: Norman Magnificence in Scily

ADFAS Brisbane is delighted to offer our members a special extra lecture presented by Kathleen Olive. She examines the assumptions that the art and architecture of Norman southern Italy should be strongly tied to the invaders’ own French or adopted Italian influences. In this lecture, Kathleen investigates the Islamic and Byzantine models for Sicily’s imposing monuments. We consider why the monarchy chose to conflate two such disparate aesthetics in its iconography and how this reflected or advanced the power and wealth of the dynasty. Considering Palermo’s glittering Palatine Chapel, for example, or Cefalù’s imposing cathedral we uncover the values and taste of the Normans in Sicily.
Visitors are welcome.
Date: Thursday 19th June
Time: 12 to 1pm
Place: State Library of Queensland, Auditorium 1
Cost of extra lecture: $40.00 each for members and visitors
Visitors are welcome.
Date: Thursday 19th June
Time: 12 to 1pm
Place: State Library of Queensland, Auditorium 1
Cost of extra lecture: $40.00 each for members and visitors
Thursday 19 June 2025 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (UTC+10)
Location and Time
Morning - Thursday 19th June 2025 12 - 1pm, Auditorium 1, State Library of Queensland, Cultural Precinct, Stanley Place, South Brisbane, Qld 4101
Contact Details