Developmental disability & deafblindness | Canberra workshop

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A TWO DAY WORKSHOP. Both workshop days will run from 9:30am – 4:30pm.This practical workshop is suitable for anyone with a connection to
* combined deafness and blindness,
* sensory disability, meaning one or more of the senses are affected
* complex disability
The following may find this workshop useful:
* families
* people working in therapy
* people working in education
* other service providers eg. Deaf, support work, residential care
You can ask questions and bring case studies. Content includes:
* how to recognise deafblindness
* understanding access needs
* where to find help to support the person’s senses
* hand-under-hand teaching methods
* creating shared experiences
* developing shared meaning
* learning and practicing deafblind communication methods
* resources and tools to support your learning
Guest presenters, born deafblind will also share their experiences.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided.
Hellenic Club in the City
13 Moore Street, Canberra ACT 2601