Small Steps 4 Hannah

The Zonta Club of Armidale is hosting two events in November, with a focus on identifying and preventing domestic and family violence.1. Dinner: You are invited to join us on 22 November from 6.00-9.00 pm to hear from guest speaker, Michael Jeh, DV Prevention Educator. He will recount the story of Hannah Clarke and her children and the positive steps that have come out of the tragedy of their deaths as a consequence of domestic and family violence. Michael is an ambassador for the Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation, which was set up after their deaths.
Cost for dinner is $45/person.
Tickets are limited.
2. Workshop: Join Michael Jeh for a free interactive educational workshop on 23 November from 9.30-12.00 pm on identifying the red flags and early warning signs of coercive control behaviours, and educating participants on prevention. Community members over 18 years of age, and those working in the field are encouraged to attend.
Tops Restaurant, Armidale City Bowling Club
92-96 Dumaresq St Armidale NSW 2350