The Pathway to BioResourcing
A symposium on the scaling of sustainable biomass to biofuels and other bioproducts.Following a successful national ‘Low Carbon Liquid Fuels’ Summit in Perth by Bioenergy Australia, the Oil Mallee Association (OMA) is presenting a Symposium to explore how this trend to converting biomass to biofuels and a range of other products will develop over the next decade.
Presented in conjunction with the UWA Centre for Energy and Murdoch University, this half day seminar will include presentations by;
o Professor Ross Garnaut AO on trends in the use of biomass,
o Mr Dongke Zhang FTSE of the Centre for Energy on the issue of Biomass to Power and Products (‘B2X’), and
o Professor Richard Harper from Murdoch University on the different forms of biomass in WA .
The seminar at the UWA Club will be preceded with a light lunch and finish at 5:00pm. The cost of the half day event is $39. Participants are encouraged to stay and continue discussion on the UWA Club Terrace.
The University Club of Western Australia (UWA Club)
Hackett Drive , Entrance #1 - Carpark #3, Crawley WA 6009