Peg O' My Heart 贖夢 Sydney screening 悉尼放映

Directed by Nick Cheung 張家輝 | 2024 | 97 mins | AUSTRALIAN PREMIERE 澳洲首映In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 粵語,中英文字幕
DR. MAN, an unorthodox psychiatrist, treats CHOI who fears sleep and can't distinguish dreams from reality. As CHOI reveals his story, MAN experiences disturbing dreams himself - repressed memories or a price for uncovering CHOI's ghosts?
Event Cinemas George Street - Cinema 11
505/525 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
“Making Waves - Navigators of Hong Kong Cinema 2024 Sydney & Melbourne” is presented by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney and the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society, in collaboration with Hong Kong Film Festival in Australia.
「光影浪潮 - 香港電影新動力2024悉尼、墨爾本站」由香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處及香港國際電影節協會呈獻,澳洲香港電影節協辦。