Celebrate International Day of People with Disability 2024 (SOLD OUT)

Rethinking Disability - Shifting Perspectives and Embracing Diversity!Yarra Ranges Council is hosting an event to celebrate International Day of People with Disability, focused on changing perspectives and promoting inclusivity.
Join us as keynote speaker Elle Steele - a disability champion and the National Project Manager for Building Inclusive Sports Club, a Change our Game Ambassador and a Paralympic athlete - discusses how our community believes disability is something that needs 'fixing' rather than the world embracing diversity.
A panel discussion will also be held with members of Council's Disability Advisory Committee and Council staff with lived experience.
Local musician Saint Ergo will also be performing.
Event bookings are managed by Trybooking, visit their website to view their Privacy Policy: https://www.trybooking.com/info/privacy
For more information on Yarra Ranges Council’s Privacy Policy, visit their website: https://www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/privacy
Yarra Ranges Council Civic Centre
15 Anderson Street, Lilydale Victoria 3140