IRB Upskill & RWC Requal - Saturday 2nd November 2024

IRB Upskill & RWC Requal - Saturdays, 2nd, 9th(TBC) & 23There have been significant changes to the IRBD and C techniques, upskilling at the requalification is required.
Please allow 2-3 hours for the requalification. We’ll need to set up boats/RWCs and transport them to the beach as well conduct some theory and some dry drills prior to getting wet
Setting up and packing away the boats is part of the requalification, so everyone will need to assist to complete the process.
There is new content available for both IRB driver and IRB crew requalification in the SLS Powercraft e-learning section on the members’ portal. You’ll also find the updated IRB training manual with new videos on the techniques and renamed parts.
(Note: The e-learning isn’t compulsory but will definitely help on the day!)
Also by now should have completed the new Sexual harassment Module that we need to complete as part of our requals this season.
Can please indicate which sessions you are able to attend ASAP.
Secret Harbour Surf Lifesaving Club
Palermo Cove, Secret Harbour WA 6173