Happy Together 4K 春光乍洩 4K修復版 Melbourne Screening 墨爾本放映

Directed by Kar-Wai Wong王家衛 | 1997 | 96 mins
In Cantonese, Mandarin and Spanish with English subtitles | 粵語,普通話,西班牙話,英文字幕
A couple traveling through Argentina and locked in a turbulent cycle of infatuation and destructive jealousy as they break up, make up, and fall apart again and again. Wong crafts a feverish look at the life cycle of a love affair that is by turns devastating and deliriously romantic. Shot by ace cinematographer Christopher Doyle in both luminous monochrome and luscious saturated color, Happy Together is an intoxicating exploration of displacement and desire that swoons with the ache and exhilaration of love at its heart-tearing extremes. This 4K digital restoration was undertaken from the 35 mm original camera negative.
黎耀輝與何寶榮是一對戀人,他們從香港前往阿根廷。一天,何寶榮買了一盞燈,兩人覺得漂亮,於是前去尋找在燈上轉動的伊瓜蘇瀑布。旅程中,二人開始迷路,其後發生爭執。何寶榮主動向黎耀輝提議暫時分開。 二人分道揚鑣後都湊巧到了布宜諾斯艾利斯生活。黎耀輝與何寶榮於酒吧重遇後,二人的關係依舊僵硬。一次,黎耀輝酒醉後,向何寶榮埋怨自己的錢被何寶榮花光。其後,何寶榮為了偷了一隻手錶送給黎耀輝,遭人暴打,渾身是傷的何寶榮堅持踉蹌著來到黎耀輝的住處……
Awards 獎項
The 50th Cannes Film Festival - Best Director
第50屆康城影展 - 最佳導演
7th Arizona International Film Festival - Audience Award – Most Popular Foreign Film
第7屆亞利桑那國際電影節 - 觀眾獎項 – 最受歡迎外語片
17th Hong Kong Film Awards - Best Actor
第17屆香港電影金像獎 - 最佳男主角
34th Golden Horse Awards - Best Cinematography
第34屆金馬獎 - 最佳攝影
4th Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards - Film of Merit
第4屆香港電影評論學會大獎 - 推薦電影
3rd Golden Bauhinia Awards - Best Actor, Best Cinematography
第3屆香港電影金紫荊獎 - 最佳男主角 及 最佳攝影
ACMI - Cinema 1
Federation Square, Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
“Making Waves - Navigators of Hong Kong Cinema 2024 Sydney & Melbourne” is presented by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney and the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society, in collaboration with Hong Kong Film Festival in Australia.
「光影浪潮 - 香港電影新動力2024悉尼、墨爾本站」由香港駐悉尼經濟貿易辦事處及香港國際電影節協會呈獻,澳洲香港電影節協辦。