Myrtle Rust Management for Practitioners - open series

"Local government enabling community-led recovery of Myrtle Rust impacted species".Speakers: Emma Simpkins (Senior Regional Advisor Flora) & Rebekah Fuller (Senior Plant Pathogens Advisor) - Auckland Council
Emma & Rebekah will discuss the conservation actions implemented by local government to support threatened Myrtaceae in Auckland, primarily by engaging community to build capacity to support species & ecosystem recovery. This includes funding mana whenua (indigenous people) & community groups to lead monitoring of Lophomyrtus obcordata (rōhutu) & Syzygium maire (maire tawake) populations & carry out fungicide treatments in order to collect seed for propagation, establishing ex situ collections of threatened species including rōhutu & rātā moehau (Metrosideros bartlettii), creating awareness of Myrtle Rust through workshops & training, & advocating for nursery suppliers to have a nursery biosecurity accreditation (Plant Pass) to ensure healthy plants are used in restoration.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser