
Meet Greg – middle-aged man, a restless empty-nester, tired of his job in finance, looking for meaning in his life. Meet Sylvia - an exuberant and beautiful lab/poodle mix, astray in Central Park, looking for a new home. Meet Kate - a busy rising star in the public school system, who is looking forward to some independence now that the couple no longer has children to care for. Wandering the streets of Manhattan with Sylvia by his side, Greg feels like he has connected to a deeper, primal, more natural side of the world. Sylvia is more interested in the neighbourhood cats or flirting with Bowser at the dog part. Sylvia exerts such a charismatic pull that Kate’s friends are appalled, the marriage counsellor advocates divorce and euthanasia, and even Greg’s new dog-owner friend warns him of the splintering effect a dog can have on the relationship between husband and wife. A.R. Gurney’s Sylvia is a smart, silly, sophisticated comedy about relationships, nature, and growing older.
Saturday 3 May 2025 - Saturday 24 May 2025 (UTC+11)
Richmond School of Arts
Cnr March & West Market Streets, Richmond NSW 2753
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