Pillars of Mindful Parenting: A Reflective Approach to Working with At-Risk Dyads

Price AU$940
Duration 14-hrs across four half day sessions
Format Live online
Mindful Parenting is a relationship-based, reflective model emphasizing observation, flexible response, and reflection as core practices to promote childhood attachment security through increasing parental reflective capacity, strengthening positive caregiver-child interactions, and reducing hostile-intrusive caregiving behaviors.
This virtual intensive provides four half-days and 14 hours of highly interactive learning for mental health and early childhood professionals working with very young children (0-3 years) and their families.
Through review of audio-video case material, this model’s core practices will be applied to work with parents, parent-child dyads, and groups, including trauma-informed work with parents whose trauma history challenges parent-child relationship security. This standalone training provides a reflective foundation for work with parents, infants, and very young children.
Who should attend
This virtual intensive of highly interactive learning is designed for mental health and early childhood professionals working with very young children (0-3 years) and their families.
Stable internet connection with camera and sound is required. The Zoom platform is used.
As this is a post-graduate level training, experience in mental health work is assumed.
Trainer: Diane Reynolds, LMFT
Live Online - Attendance and participation expected
** NOTE ** This training will not be recorded, live attendance is required.
Session 1: Saturday 02 August
Session 2: Wednesday 06 August
Session 3: Saturday 09 August
Session 4: Wednesday 13 August
9am-1pm each day *AEST
*AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time
Please be sure to check the time in your location.
This meeting planner can help.
Contact Details
Perinatal Training Centre -- Dr Bronwyn Leigh