Internal Family Systems (IFS): The 6 F’s - 10/4/2025
This webinar will introduce one of the most fundamental building blocks of the Internal Family Systems Model – the 6 F’s. The Webinar will provide:- A brief summary of the importance of the 6 F’s in the IFS Model
- An outline of each of the 6 F’s
- A description of the useful questions which can be asked for each of the 6 F’s
- A live demonstration in session of how to use the 6 F’s.
- An opportunity for participants to practise their own style with the 6 F’s
Your Facilitator
Dr Shaun Dempsey is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice, Townsville, QLD. He is a certified Internal Family Systems therapist having completed Level 1 in 2018, Level 2 in Austin, Texas USA in 2018, and Level 3 with Dick Schwartz in Florida in December 2019. Shaun is on the IFS Institute’s international Approved Clinical Consultants list. Shaun has an Honours degree in Psychology, a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology, and a PhD in Psychology and is a Fellow of the APS Clinical College.
Thursday 10 April 2025 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (UTC+10)Location
Zoom link