Questions? Check out our newly updated website www.lepspandc.asn.au/cw_faqs
Creative Workshops is a LEPS P&C Initative to provide QUALITY workshops for your child. By enrolling your child to Creative Workshops, you are contributing to raise money for our school
Enrolment Terms and Conditions
Refunds: Please choose carefully as fees are non-refundable. Some considerations may be given under exceptional circumstances at the absolute discretion of Creative Workshops.
Cancelled workshops: Workshops require a minimum number of enrolments to proceed. You will receive a full refund and be contacted if a workshops is cancelled. Please CHECK www.lepspandc.asn.au for any class cancellations 24 hours before the start of the first class.
Eligibility: Children attending Creative Workshops must be over the age of 5 years and have started school. Kindergarten children are discouraged from participating in Creative Workshops until Term 3.
Privacy: Your emergency contact details will be passed on to tutors for correspondence and emergency purposes.
Punctuality: Each program in Creative Workshops are structured. Please be on time to minimise disruptions to the class and to the students. Late pickup will be charged $25.
BASC Transfers: BASC is responsible for taking children to and from BASC before or after Creative Workshops classes. Please let BASC know if your child is attending Creative Workshops. For Kindy students, please also let your child's teacher know.
Parent's responsibility: Creative Workshops does not take responsibility for children before or after Creative Workshops classes.
If your child will be late or absent to a class, please inform the class tutor/coach.
Children must be collected promptly at the conclusion of the workshops. Late fees of $25 apply.
Sign in / sign out protocol: All children MUST be signed into classes that take place before school and must be signed out of classes that take place after shcool by parents or an appointed carer. Tutors/coachs must also be informed of absences and late arrivals.
Make up classes: NO make up classes for students who miss a class/es during term.
Dates/cost: Prices and scheduling may change without notice.