Switch on with Song!
Using Songs for Language Learning
Carmel Davies
Urban Lyre Birds
In this workshop, song writer/teacher Carmel Davies will show you how to use songs with learners all English levels and at all ages to teach pronunciation and grammar, develop literacy, and most of all, have fun! She’ll lead you in ways to give your students greater confidence and engagement. Your classroom will be welcoming and abuzz. No singing voice required! Her techniques are easy for teachers and effective for students.
Carmel has wide experience in EAL/D. She has written numerous resources including Australian Law for New Arrivals, Pictures to Words and May Street Stories. She was awarded a Churchill fellowship to research ESL through Performance and, alongside Sharon Duff, is co-founder of Urban Lyrebirds (EAL readers and resources) She now travels widely to give workshops on teaching language through songs and stories.
Check out the Urban Lyrebirds website and Youtube channel: www.urbanlyrebirds.com / urbanlyrebirds youtube channel
[CONTACT DETAILS for enquiries: president@atesolact.org.au]