National Parks Assoc ABN 74 830 219 723
Payments to National Parks Association of the ACT Inc by Credit Card |
This website allows you to join or renew your membership of NPAACT, or donate, using a Mastercard or Visa card.
An online transaction fee of 50 cents will be added.
Do not be confused by references to Tickets or Bookings, caused by us using an event booking system which treats your payment as a ticket to an event.
Your credit card statement will show a payment to 'NPA-ACT Inc'.
If you donate $100 or more (any amount over $2 is tax-detuctible) your membership fees are reduced to $11. Make sure you select the correct renewal option. You will be asked to enter any donation amount after you select your membership type.
A donation amount can be added to any membership option or you can use the 'Donation Only' section.
As the name on the credit card may not be the member's name, you will be asked for members' names separately when renewing or joining.
If any of your membership details (e.g. email) have changed, or you wish to send us any other information, please use the 'Any Changes?' field.
Thank you, Jan Gatenby, Treasurer (