2023 ACCIDENTAL COUNSELLOR (4hr workshop)

When engaging with a person struggling to cope with their day-to-day life due to stress, mental health, domestic violence, substance abuse or other crisis it is important to do so with empathy and respect.
Participants of this workshop will learn to RECOGNISE a person in crisis, RESPOND in a compassionate manner and REFER to ongoing support. Boundaries of the role, suicide and self-care will also be specifically discussed.
Please visit www.lifelineh2hsydney.org.au for more details.
Participants of this workshop will learn to RECOGNISE a person in crisis, RESPOND in a compassionate manner and REFER to ongoing support. Boundaries of the role, suicide and self-care will also be specifically discussed.
Please visit www.lifelineh2hsydney.org.au for more details.
There are a number of sessions available throughout the year, use the Book Now button to find your preferred date and time.
Face to Face @Lifeline H2HS Gordon or Online via Zoom as per Booking
Contact Details