Online - 65th Anniversary Sputnik 1
65 years ago the Soviet Union launched the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, opening the Space Age and sparking the rapid rise of space technologies that are now part of everyday life.
From the Space Race to today, space historian Kerrie Dougherty uncovers the once-secret story behind the first “artificial moon” and how it opened the way for the satellite networks that now form an infrastructure in orbit, underpinning the modern world. How would Sputnik 1 measure up against a modern satellite? Join us and find out
Hosted by the Australian Space Discovery Centre, the talk will run for one hour, including time for questions.
Prefer to join us in-centre, please book your free tickets at this link;
For more information, visit
For enquiries please contact the Australian Space Discovery Centre via email at or phone 08 8432 1400.
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