Write Links meeting will be held at State Library of Qld in the QWC on Level 2 on Saturday 5 November.
This will be a hybrid meeting so at the point of booking select 'in person meeting' or 'zoom session'.
Spaces are limited because the QWC doesn't fit as many as our usual meeting room, so if you book for in person then find you can't come, please cancel your ticket to allow another person to come. You can still join via ZOOM withe link sent in the confirmation email.
● 1:00 pm Write Links networking
● 2:00 pm Topic: a. Review of BSAB | b.Sandhya Parappukkaran on mentorships - The benefits of a writing mentorship - where to find mentors, tips to prepare your application and how to approach your mentorship. Sandhya Parappukkaran shares her writing journey, thanks to the ASA/CA 20-hour mentorship program, to develop Amma's Sari with mentor Sue deGennaro.
● 3.00-5.00 Critiquing (hybrid - If you are joing a critique group, this will be a different link sent to you by your critque group organiser.)
Remember the ZOOM link is in the confirmation email.
State Library of Queensland, QWC Level 2
Cultural Precinct, Stanley Place, South Brisbane 4101
OR online via ZOOM
Sandhya Parappukkaran writelinks@booklinks.org.au