Byron Writers Festival is passionate about the importance of stories, ideas and debate in shaping culture. Becoming a member of Byron Writers Festival offers a chance to be part of our growing community of writers, readers and storytellers. Thank you for supporting the creative arts in regional Australia.
All memberships will expire on 28 February 2024.
We have four Membership types: Single, Passionate, Double and Organisational. Want to go ECO? Every environmental choice matters. Save paper and postage and receive our quarterly magazine northerly in digital format!
Read on for details and fees for each Membership type.
Single membership (1 person): A single membership is for individual writers and readers and anyone interested in literature and the arts. Concession rates are available for students and valid concession card holders- the type of concession and card number must be included on your membership application form.
ECO: $55 / $45 Concession (Pensioner or student)
PRINT: $65 / $55 Concession (Pensioner or student)
Passionate membership (1 person): Do you care deeply about Australian stories, writing, creativity and the arts? Make it official by taking out a Passionate membership and proudly celebrating your support of the creative arts in regional Australia.
ECO: $120
PRINT: $130
Double membership (2 people): A double membership offers extra value and is available for two adults (partner, companion or friend). Names of each adult member must be specified at time of joining. A double membership receives one copy of the member magazine each edition and reduced admission prices for both members per event or workshop.
ECO: $85
PRINT: $95
Organisational membership (Up to 5 people): Organisational membership is for businesses, arts organisations, and writers groups. Each organisation receives five posted member magazines and reduced admission prices for five members per project or workshop.
ECO: $140
PRINT: $180
Find out more about member benfits via our website https://byronwritersfestival.com/become-a-member/