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Oct 05, 2017 · 1 min read

TryBooking New Zealand Update: October 2017

TryBooking New Zealand Update: October 2017
The latest enhancements include login integration with Google and Facebook. Improved communication with ticket buyers with additional privacy controls for your contact details and an updated look and feel for the TryBooking website. 
Login / Sign up changes
New users will be given the option to sign up / login using third-party profiles including Google and Facebook. You can still sign up using email, but these new options have been added to make it easier for you to signup and login to your TryBooking account. 
If you have an existing TryBooking account and you want to add third party sign on, simply do the following:


1. Log in using your regular email credentials.

2. In your Account Dashboard, go to Account Login and Email settings

3. Click on the application(s) you would like your TryBooking Account to be linked to (Google, Facebook). 

4. Accept the prompts and click Save to link up the accounts.

5. You will now be able to log in using Google and Facebook when you want to create your next event.

Note: Only account administrators will be able to use these sign up / login options. Basic access users can only use email. 
Contact forms for your privacy
When you create your next event your contact details name, email and phone number (optional) will be hidden behind a contact form. This form streamlines communication with ticket buyers and ensures that your personal contact information isn’t directly visible. If you wish to add your contact information you can still do so, just add to the copy to your events page using the HTML editor. 
Ticket buyers can find the contact form in their booking confirmation email or from the event page directly. The contact form will send you email messages and give you the ability to reply to questions quickly and easily.
Look and feel improvement
TryBooking has updated the homepage with a new look and feel. The changes include a dropdown box to login, a hamburger menu system to access important parts of the website and some updated images from our community.
We would love to hear your thoughts. Send us feedback on Facebook or Twitter
Log in or create an account to get started. 
The TryBooking Team
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