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Nov 21, 2022 · 1 min read

TryBooking Throughout The Years A Website Timeline

TryBooking Throughout The Years A Website Timeline

2008 - 2009 - The First Launch Of The Website

Back in 2008 - 2009 we had our first website for event organisers around Australia to sign-up and create events. Major highlight looking back at this design was obviously the airplane cross stitched background.

This is when we established industry low fees for event ticketing! That's right the OG's of event ticketing. Back then our pricing was only 2.1% plus a 30 cent per ticket fee plus a processing fee. This low cost structure made us the cheapest option for any community event organiser, best option for those who couldn't afford Ticketmaster and Ticketek.

2009 - 2015 - The Website Most Our Long-Term Customers Would Remember

Our first few long-term users would remember this design. this is when we started to become one of the major players in the self-service event ticketing industry. Highlights to see is the sun rays in the background, a key element of our branding back then. Another highlight, is the front and centre commitment to the community, a commitment that we still hold dear and the purpose of our organisation.

2015 - 2017 - When Websites Started To Allow You To Scroll Down

Later in 2015 we changed our website once again to keep up with times, we extended the webpage allowing users to scroll for the first time (revolutionary I know). The Highlights to mention is our more orange colour scheme.

2017-2018 - When We First Cracked 50,000 Event Organisers

A few years later we changed our website again, this time promoting our ground braking 50,000 event organisers. We can notice the change in Logo to just TryBooking that we all know and love and a move away from the bright orange. 

2018-2020 - The Website That Cracked 100,000 Event Organisers

The last major design change before our latest website. That majority of our clients first used as we steadily grew to 100,000 event organisers.  

2020 - 2021 - Our New Major Restyling With Fundraising Pages Being Launched!

We can see the total change in style during the covid pandemic with a nice modern colour scheme. A highlight is the video showcasing how our to use TryBooking, ability to search for events on the front page and the new release of fundraising pages.

2021 - 2022 - When We Cracked 150,000 Event Organisers & Adopted The Waves 

This one should still be front of mind for everyone. We reshuffled a few things on the homepage to focus our major features and selling points like our pricing, fundraising, feedback from our community and the industries we serve.

2022 - The Current Website, The One We Know & Love

Here we can see the current version of the website... well as of writing. We can see even now we are always looking to adapt and optimize our website to better improve our services for our event organisers.

Even look at our Portal, we always looking to create a better experience for our event organisers to create and manage successful events.

Thanks For All The Support Throughout These Wonderful Years!

This trip down memory lane, has reenforced our passion and commitment to our wonderful community who helped build our platform from the ground up. We would like to say thank for all the support and we hope to continue to help nurture and support your events for years to come. 

If you would like to check out your websites history, check out the Wayback Machine

Thank you again from the TryBooking Team.

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