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May 08, 2023 · 1 min read

Marketing Your Events On TikTok: The Ultimate Guide

How To Promote An Event On Tik Tok

With over 1 billion active users worldwide, TikTok has become a social media phenomenon! This short-form video-sharing app can also be a great marketing tool for events. By leveraging TikTok's viral nature, as an event organiser you can generate buzz and drive engagement for your event.  

TikTok's algorithm promotes content that resonates with its audience, making it easier for your videos to reach a wider audience. In this blog, we'll discover how you can use TikTok to market an event effectively, providing tips and best practices to help you harness the power of TikTok to promote your event.

Marketing An Event On Tiktok

Engaging with other creators and influencers

Engaging with other users and creators on TikTok is a powerful tool for increasing your visibility and can be especially useful for marketing an event. By being proactive and liking, commenting and sharing content related to your event, you can reach a wider audience and have a presence on other user’s accounts.

Working and building relationships with creators and influencers on collaborations can help you expand your reach beyond your existing audience and generate buzz around your event.

TikTok influencer marketing may come at a cost, influencers with a large following may expect a high fee for promoting your event or a free ticket in return.

However, by collaborating with them, you can tap into their influence and create engaging and compelling content that resonates with their followers.

If you don’t have a large budget for influencers or you’re running a smaller event with only a small number of tickets, reach out to micro influencers who may only be starting out in their social media career and don’t have a large enough following to charge high fees.

Overnight Tik Tok Sucess

Hashtags are essential when it comes to uploading your latest TikTok video. Hashtags help other users and creators to discover new content and are also a great way to promote an event.

Using relevant hashtags on each video means you can target your ideal audience and increase your reach.

Creating your own hashtag for the event will also create a sense of community and will increase the buzz around the event.

Another great reason for using hashtags on videos is that you are able to track the performance of event-related hashtags, marketers can also gather valuable insights into their audience's preferences and behavior.

Overnight Success

Posting regularly and consistently on TikTok is crucial for building and maintaining an engaged audience. The TikTok algorithm rewards creators who consistently post high-quality, engaging content by showing their videos to more people.

By posting regularly, you also increase your chances of going viral, as every video you post is an opportunity to reach a wider audience. Which in addition could potentially lead to overnight success, many creators have seen this once one of their videos goes viral and their followers increase massively.

Which of course is great when it comes to marketing an event, as you want as many people as possible to view your content and discover the event.

Additionally, posting on a consistent schedule helps your followers know when to expect new content from you, which will increase engagement and build a sense of community.

How To Promote An Event Using Tik Tok Ads Manager

Using TikTok Ads Manager

TikTok Ads Manager is similar to Facebook Ads Manager, whereby you can create, manage and track your ad campaigns to ensure they reach your target audience so you see the best results. There are several types of TikTok ads which you can run on the platform:

In-feed ads

These are ads that appear on the "For You" feed, where users browse and discover content. They're similar to regular TikTok videos but are labeled as sponsored content. In-feed ads should include a call-to-action button that directs users to a website or landing page.

Brand takeover ads

These are full-screen ads that appear when a user opens the TikTok app, similar to a top view ad.

They're highly visible and can include images, videos, or GIFs. Brand takeover ads include a call-to-action button that directs users to a website or landing page.

TikTok users will only see one branded takeover ad per day, meaning there is less competition for the ad space.

Sponsored hashtag challenges

These are branded challenges that encourage users to create and share content using a specific hashtag.

Sponsored hashtag challenges can be a fun way to engage with users and generate user-generated content that promotes your event.

Branded effects

These are filters and special effects that can be added to user-generated content. They can include custom logos, animations, or other branding elements.

Branded effects can be used to enhance user-generated content and make it more shareable and engaging.

Top view ads

These are full-screen ads that appear as soon as a user opens the TikTok app. They can include images, videos, or GIFs and are highly visible.

Top view ads can include a call-to-action button that directs users to a website or landing page.

TikTok's demographic is primarily younger people, with the majority of its users being under the age of 30. So, before you create an eye-catching ad, if your events demographic isn’t similar to TikTok’s demographic the chances are that those people aren’t going to see the ad. Similarly with the location targeting, ensure the TikTok Ads location you have created is set within a reasonable distance of the event. As you can target people who are more likely to attend your event due to proximity.

How To Promote An Event On Tik Tok

Share, repost and repeat

Utilising the content you have created is as important as putting it out there in the first place, you will spend so much time planning and creating content to only share once is a waste of your time.

Share, repost and repeat! Repurposing and sharing existing content helps increase visibility across all social platforms.

Creating a TikTok video about the event makes great content for Instagram, Facebook and any other social media platforms you use.

Our final tips

If you're looking to promote your event on other social media platforms, or using other methods such as paid media, our full guide on How to Market an Event is packed full of information to make it easy to promote your event.

If you're looking for a ticketing platform to support your event, TryBooking is packed full of features to help you with all your event planning needs, making it easy to organise your event with an affordable ticketing solution.

If you need any help getting started, our friendly Customer Service team can help with ideas - or even a quick once over! Just drop us an email or give us a call on 0333 344 3477.

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